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Independent Commission on the Voting System: Volume 2

Julian D. A. Wiseman

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Independent Commission on the Voting System: Volume 2

In December 1997 the Labour government created the Independent Commission on the Voting System, chaired by Lord Jenkins. At conclusion, it published two volumes.

Volume 1 is no longer on any website of the British government — my disapproval being obvious — but is still available from

Volume 2 was distributed on a CD entitled “VOTING”, and seems not to be available online at all. The contents of that CD are now available at The CD included a directory called “READER”, containing software of that era, which has been omitted from the ZIP file, as it might cause the the file to be blocked by a firewall.

The file ‘Contents.pdf’ starts by saying:

Report of the Independent Commission on the Voting System

Volume 2

This volume contains the key submissions received and considered by the Commission during the course of its work. The complete body of evidence received by the Commission has been placed in the Public Record Office. Evidence has also been deposited in the Libraries of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

— Julian D. A. Wiseman, March 2022

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